Microshield - mobile phone radiation protection cases

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Microshield - Recent Quotes Microshield - Recent Quotes


Recent Quotes

"We recommend that Industry and the NRPB explore ways in which the design of mobiles might limit personal radiation exposure"   House of Commons Science and Technology Committee

"Industry should design mobile phones in a way that minimises any radiation exposure to the user that is not necessary for the device to function"   American Food and Drug Administration

(The cellular industry has advised that even if it were possible, it might take four or more years to develop such a handset)

"While scientific evidence remains inconclusive we should take precautionary measures to minimise exposure. Consumers should be provided with information on radiation shields when purchasing mobiles. There is concern that hands free kits may intensify exposure to the ear canal or redirect exposure to another part of the body e.g. many are carried at the waist"   British Medical Association

"The findings where astonishing, what makes them so important is, it is the first time anyone has produced clear evidence of an increased risk of cancer with non-ionising radiation, the sort used in mobile phones"   Sir Richard Doll Senior consultant to NRPB (In response to the Repacholi studies which found a more than two to one incidence of lymphoma cancer in mice, following exposure to mobile phone microwave radiation)

"I'm more worried about this than any of the other types of radiation I've worked with"   Dr John Holt, Australian Cancer specialist on ITN's News at Ten announcing research showing human cell damage from mobile phone type radiation

"You can make any human cancer grow at a much faster rate. In some patients, I've seen the cancer rate increase by a factor of twenty "   Dr John Holt, BBC's Watchdog Healthcheck discussing his research findings showing that mobile phone radiation caused cancers to grow more rapidly

"There have been positive cancer research findings which cannot be readily dismissed"   Dr Michael Repacholi, W.H.O (World Health Organisation) letter to the New Scientist

"We believe it would be sensible to minimise the risk"   British Stroke Association on hearing of research published in the Lancet confirming mobile phone radiation causes increases in blood pressure

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